Tonight, I picked up my ringing cell phone and turned off my living room stereo.
6:15?! Oh shit, I thought, guess I should get dressed for work.
My sister, who was on the phone, clarified that if it were 6AM, she would NOT be awake to call me. So I soon realized that it's still Thursday. Phew!
The reason for the late afternoon nap is do to the early morning on my day "off." Those who took and passed the Illinois Bar were sworn in today at 10:20AM. What a LONG LONG LOOOOONG event. For those learning about viscosity in physics class, if the ceremony were a liquid, it has HIGH viscosity...It's like pouring chilled syrup on frozen pancakes while dining in the Arctic watch in disbelief how long it takes to pour and when it does, it drags on and on.
You wonder why lawyers and for that matter, Chicago local govt get a bad reputation. I can't believe how "commentors" stood there, first had their resumes read (including what fucking high school he/she attended), then mentioned that their "lovely" child also sat in the audience to be sworn in, and gave trite advice that took more than the 2 minutes originally allocated.
First of all, WHO THE HELL CARES?! Second, how much did you pay to get on the "commentors" list. If this were elementary school, your child's ass would have been kicked in the school yard. Get your cronies off the stage. What was supposed to be an honorable ceremony was so cheapened. The words of the oath were beautiful and the new attorney's who recited them must of been so proud. I only wish the cronies were not invited to an event many people travelled far to witness.