Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labor Day Weekend: A Summary

Strange weekend. It was like rolling down the car window to peak at people's most intimate moments in life. One day you're crying for one person's loss...The next day you're crying in celebration of life.


Morning: Catholic Memorial
Evening: Wine and Cheese yuppie Gathering (at home)

Morning: 5 hour drive to Indianapolis with a puppy* and crate in tow
Afternoon: Lunch at Arby's (Lafayette, IN)
Evening: Jewish Wedding (Downtown Indianapolis)...Beautiful ceremony, reception...everything. Very drunk by the end of the night.

Morning: Southwest Airline from Indianapolis to Chicago Midway
Afternoon: 5 hour nap
Evening: Banana Chip Ice Cream...I got the last scoop at Bobtail Ice Cream
Watched The Constant Gardner

*HUGE puppy

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