Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The National Fist

Travelling on Christmas Day was total shit.  On Sunday afternoon, I found out my 8 am flight to Houston's Bush (haha) no longer existed but I had a window seat at 1:20 pm.  The cab I took to the blue line didn't know where the Logan Square stop was exactly...which is my fault b/c I should know the cross streets...but when the cabbie say he knows where it is, you kinda just go with the flow.  Well, I ended up 2 stops from Logan Square...about 2 L stops further from Ohare than I should have to begin with.  I should have just waited for the DIversey bus.  Whatever.

Interesting Filipino dinner party tonight.  Instead of karaoke, we watched a Flip boxer named Manny "PacMan" Paquiao...aka the National Fist (sounds very uncomfortable) beat the shit out of some boxer from Mexico.  It was pay-per-view from awhile back but my first time ever hearing about this boxer.


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