Friday, March 25, 2011

SXSW Day 2 - Thurs

Menomena at Swan Dive. Front man can play a mean recorder and balance playing other instruments. Hot arms mister. HOT. I have to admit that I would totally wear his outfit. Gray skinny jeans and navy and white stripped tank. What do you expect for Hipster Central?! Love the free whisky drinks too. It's kinda cool to watch the band set up while the crowd just stands there. Some were sitting on the faux radiators that bordered the stage.

The Strokes played a free show at Auditorium Shores. Fun just hanging out on the grass with music and Austin skyline. Love that Best's the curry ketchup that makes it good even if I spilled some of it on my jeans. The Strokes were great as expected, no drunken mess. We checked out early to bypass some of the crowd. The Long Center just south of Auditorium Shore held the crowds that couldn't get into the show. There's a 4-5 story parking garage with people tailgating - was a little jealous.

Then comes the big decision - do I see bands I've never hear of OR do I go to the Austin Music Hall and see...Wu Tang Clan???
My sister and I prepped at Mulberry, this cute wine bar with pretty good food.
Report of Wu Tang Clan: loud. Who's in the Clan now??

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