Friday, March 25, 2011

SXSW Day 3 - Fri

At Stubbs...
First saw the Airborne Toxic Event - like em. Already bought songs off iTunes. They had a quartet playing along with them.
Ok backtrack, wish I saw The Vaccine who played earlier at Stubbs. They sound like the Smiths...would have been awesome if they jumped on the 80's theme at SXSW.

Then we saw these guys Scala & Kolacny Brothers. They basically (And this isn't a real word) choir-i-fy modern tunes like Radiohead's Creep and Marcy Playground's Sex and Candy. Their version of Creep was on the Social Network soundtrack so that's their claim to fame, I guess.

The big even of the night was OMD!!! "Shall we play or wait for the lawsuit?" OMD joked before realizing it was serious. A camera boom fell into the crowd...the last time I got close to the stage at Stubbs was Groove Armada like a LONG LONG TIME AGO. So we were safe. And I'm old. I didn't want to get my feet dirty...not that the crowd at OMD would be nutz. Anyway, yeah it was serious, bloody. There was a chick who was up at the stage who got hurt somehow ended up at the bar next to us getting a drink...this chick collapsed and puked. So that was the drama. Sister's friend heard the news on Twitter and checked in on us. Jeez, technology...too fast sometimes but shit, it works well. Back to OMD...their show was cut short. After the crack about the lawsuit, they said that they were too old to play at 1AM...and then went off stage while the commotion cleared up. They played of course If You Leave...then songs that I don't love like Enola Gay, Tesla Girls, Electricity - so new wave. I wanted songs off Sugar Tax. I felt like we were in the 80's with some of the Urban Outfitters attire.

Ironically, American Apparel had a warehouse sale for all you hipsters...ignoring the fact that the CEO Dov Charney is accused of sexual harassment.

Took few pics b/c it was dark. And I wasn't an asshole taking pics of the accident like some other dude.

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