Monday, April 25, 2005

Little Girl

Why is it that when I'm handed an ice cream cone at the local ice cream shop, tippy toeing to get my scoop of creamy goodness, I can hear the employee say, "Here you go little girl."

That's ok...Nurses get you in the end.

Hot Dog

Damn city drivers! Posted by Hello

Raising the roof

Another one bites the dust...

Friday, April 22, 2005


Great and surprise spring time flurries...That's Chicago! Posted by Hello

Monday, April 18, 2005

JK at the University of Texas at Austin...taken by my sis Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Maybe...Maybe not

get your tasty, salty snack from your local convenient store

NEVA on me

You have to convince the clerk to give you his last five pringles can by giving the clerk commands. Have to admit that I got all 5 cans before an Indian buddy on mine. Maybe? Maybe not

little mouse

got my laptop back from Best Buy last night...still find the "Geek Squad" theme weird. Lab coats and stethescopes look less cultish. laptop has audible mechanical noises. i feel the need to cheer it on and leave it alone until it calms my patient last week. maybe it's a little mouse running on a wheel to power this POS. Go little mouse...GO!

3AM thought

i love British House of Commons on C-Span. Love how they stand up and slam the other side. i can't catch stuff tossed to an apple.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

DNR for my laptop

My pos laptop sucks and is back at Best Buy with the cultish "Geek Squad." If it doesn't pull through, that's it...Do Not Resuscitate.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ode to Ipod

O sweet Ipod
How I wish I had thee
To jam with
To cradle in my arms
Alas, my life is empty
I have a discman

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Will the real Sin City please stand up?

What you wanted to know (and more) aboot Sin City.

There's shit to do in this Sin City:
click me

Sin City: Wanna buy a house?

It's raining men in Sin City.

Sin City

Watched Sin City last night. Even in a rinky dink (trashy) theatre, the film was still awesome.
  • Amazing.
  • Bloody as hell.
  • Cheesy at time.
  • Like a comic book.
Devon Aoki's role obviously a Tarantino contribution to the film (if you've seen Kill Bill I, II, know that Michelle Yeo woke up in the hospital with Quentin Tarantino at her side, etc you know what I mean) The audience laughed together at times of absurdity. Feckin Grrreat flick.

Lost in Translation


Saturday, April 02, 2005

How did you get the beans over the frank?

As I was researching the use of EMLA cream (a topical anesthetic) in the pediatric population, I found an article on the use of EMLA on zipper entrapments...

"Zipper entrapment of the penis is one of the most common genital injuries in prepubertal boys...

Zipper entrapment injuries occur infrequently. In one case series from a pediatric emergency department, one zipper entrapment injury occurred per 4000 new emergency department attendees. In this series of 30 boys between the ages of 2 and 12 years of age, 60% of the affected boys were wearing underwear at the time of the injury. Most of the injuries were self-inflicted (84%) and occurred as the zipper was being zipped up as opposed to down (92%). (
Joan Bothner, MD )"

Take home message: Watch your way back up!