Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Where oui means yes


Paris Syndrome? Yeah, sometimes part of it's charm is the people's
vulgarity. From the little I experience of Paris (1 week), I thought
they weren't any worse than people in Chicago, NYC, Boston, etc.
Trying to speak their language before, "Um, I'm lost... where is the
exit... does this crepe have jambon?" really helps. Also, if you are
waiting for store owners to kiss your ass, get real. Maybe at the
Infinity dealership. And maybe the aloofness of the sales people is
the French way of kissing your ass...giving you room to breath and
browse and answer your own questions by giving you time to think about
what you are asking.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


today is the day.

Monday, October 16, 2006

could it be?

Is netflix the reason why the us postal service still exists?