Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shamrock Shuffle 2009

I avoided looking out the window and stayed in bed til 7:30AM. All I heard in the background was laughter at the running conditions.  

BRRR...glad to have feeling in my toes again!  I didn't think we were going to actually run.  I even popped the Strata (  in the oven.  (It was also known as Eric Estrada.)  But ER, KC, and ZR were serious about doing it!  We didn't even bother to stick around at the finish line to get the group back together.  ER and I just ran back to JC's. Yes, running after finishing the race.  You wouldn't want your wet feet to refreeze!  LS, you are awesome for even leaving your place!

I thought at first this was worse than the Chicago Half Marathon in Hyde Park 2008. It wasn't. Just because we stayed in side a warm building until 9:15AM, wore plastic bags around our shoes which lasted about 2 blocks, and came back to the fire place burning.

When's the next race?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hotel Tomo!

Look what I found on!  Stayed here while in San Francisco for the Outside Lands Music Festival last August!  I didn't know we were hip! Thought we were just saving money.  Not hip, but super geeky!

That awesome bean bag is like $200 on-line.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Ran with KNB yesterday. Great run! The only thing that stopped us at 6 miles was our joints - my knee and her hip. Otherwise, we could have kept going. The weather was perfect and mentally, we had our running frame of mind in place. I guess that is what happens when you're "old."

Remember the winter we ran with the snow in 12 degree? be young and able again.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Getting Schooled at a Korean BBQ joint

Dinner at San Soo Gap San Korean BBQ and Sushi Bar on Western was so good! My favorite part was seeing my boyfriend get schooled by the waitress on BBQing beef on the table grill! He was gingerly placing the thin slices of beef onto the grill. She came over with bigger tongs and messed his arrangement up! The look on his face! HA! I kept looking at KC and laughing. He got schooled!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Update - Getting High Like Planes

Now my neighbors are quiet. They sprayed the hallway with Lysol and BAM...Silence. They must be getting it on.

Getting high like planes

The dorm is having a fun day! Sounds like the neighbors are either watching college basketball or watching a movie. A very funny one. It smells like they have are having lots of fun. Their laughter is very loud. Please toke a little more so you can shut up and I can finish my Pharmacology lecture!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I went to Oprah...and left empty handed!

Not a huge fan of Oprah b/c she thinks she knows everything. But people listen to her. And she's a better person and has better intentions than Rush Limbaugh, that wanker.

I spent a few hours today at a taping of the Oprah Winfrey Show with a friend from work.  Suze Orman was the guest.
TSA should take note of how to search people and their belongings. I have to admit that they run a tight ship. There are 2-3 older people who run the waiting room. I was scolded by the little old lady with the short hair for not leaving my blue piece of paper on my seat prior to going to the ladies room. The pre-show person was great. Oprah is getting a little bit larger. She walked onto the set sans shoes. She needed someone to assist her put on her shoes This poor chick had her face between her legs, below the knee. Later, Oprah took her shoes off and you can tell that they've never or rarely have been used to walk in, as evidenced by a glare from the shiney bottoms of the shoes. It's not a bad show. It is like you're in her living room and all you're doing is listening.

I hoped for $1000 bills taped to the bottom of our seats.  I expected at least Suze Orman';s latest book.  

Monday, March 09, 2009


Tips for a man:  What to hide from a first date.

Thursday, March 05, 2009


I really don't mind Gwyneth. What the hell else is she supposed to do with her time? She's rich and has people doing the stuff that regular people have to do (i.e. dishes, laundry, shopping). So why not build an empire. She's way smarter than Rachel Ray, that fucking idiot. She's young and hip. You don't hear her breathing like the Barefoot Contessa. And it's not like she peddling anything. She hasn't had any good movies out in recent memory. So I am supportive. I like the little stories in the newsletters. She doesn't claim to be an expert...she's just sharing the stuff she's learned. I don't need to know what we regular people already do. She's too famous to have a show on the Food Network. I'm actually shocked that she tries to cook. Anyway, I like it.


Sunday, March 01, 2009

Jai Ho-ing in Wicker Park

Some Indian guys from Madras who stood by us last night in Wicker Park. One of them told me what Jai Ho meant in Hindi. I can't remember now. I told them to not get suckered in by American girls and buy them tons of drinks. I really like how they played along with the story line that all us girls work together as pole dancers. It was very nice and smart of them. They also already love Danny's. So smart. JAI HO!!!