Saturday, May 14, 2005

8 hours at Starbucks

starbucks, the catholic church of coffee shop. no matter where you go, you get the same thing...the same music, coffee, and color scheme. the same annoying music blasted into your ears. it's as bad as Old Navy. as for the coffee, you have to gag it down because of the overwhelming burnt taste. they really should package Tums in the fancy tins because I'd buy it. I need a tab or two from the heartburn the Cafe Verona and Breakfast blend gives me.

to keep my sanity and esophagus for 8 hours, I splurged and got a latte. freakin $3.90 for milk strained in ground beans. to my chagrin, i forgot my headphones and had just played my music out loud...hoping no one around me would mind too terribly.

i'll be back tomorrow.

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