Sunday, May 28, 2006

Petite no more.

When I first saw the headline, I thought Fat America needed more
retail space. It's not the case. Designers aren't making fashionable
stuff for us to buy. I'm not even sure what designers make petite
stuff to begin with. I think my mom had an easier time finding stuff
at places like Petite Sophisticate. Anyway, this really pisses me
off. We aren't represented. Now I'll never find clothes. Then
again, the petite or "short" pants at JCrew, the Gap, and BR were
always 2 - 3 inches too long on me. What's a short girl to do? Is
this a trend or what?

One solution would be to give us short people an alteration allowance.
BR already has free shipping for petites b/c the only have the size
at certain stores. At JCrew, they tailor stuff for you for free with
regular priced purchases and for a few bucks on sale stuff...but I
think this is for just pants.

Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdale's — have quietly
eliminated or drastically scaled back their petite departments in the
past several months, infuriating many longtime customers

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