Saturday, January 05, 2008

Iowa Caucus

I caucused in Iowa on Thursday. Actually, I was an "observer" for the town of Underwood, Iowa with the Ryan's. What a sight. A room full of caucasians at a caucus with shrimp cocktail. I really enjoyed watching how this worked. A room with political sides, tables plastered with Obama, Hillary, Bill Richardson, Dodd, and Edwards banners, and blatant supporters. No signs of Biden. When the officiator announces that it's time count the number of supporters per group, there are clear boundaries between tables. Each sat down or lowered his/her hand as the group "leader" counted their presence. To be "viable," your candidate has to have 15% of the total participants. Bill Richardson wasn't viable and so joined Obama's side. I really loved how the locals tried to sway the undecided...from "hey, we have shrimp" to "i'll mow your lawn."


elr said...

it's underWOOD not underhill - you better recognize!

Santos + Martin said...

MY BAD! I fixed it.