Sunday, January 02, 2011

Remote Control

First of all, remember the MTV show Remote Control

Here is the line up of remote controls sitting on the coffee table/temporary TV stand:
1) Apple TV - the latest gadget added to the place. We basically skipped about 5 years of technology. This just puts us over the top.
2) The Logitech remote. The mother of all remotes. It is supposed to control everything like a Dictator of a small country.
3) Either the Samsung TV remote or the Samsung DVD player.
4) Remote to the stereo/surround sound
5) See #3
6) Just realized - this is the remote control is for the OLD DVD player. Don't even need it.
7) RCN remote control - the buttons on this POS don't really work. But you need it to delete things off your DVR after you watched the episode of 30 Rock.
8) Comcast remote - Before I moved in with the BF, I had Comcast cable. So I had a Comcast remote control that went with a cable box. Well, when I returned the box, I forgot to return the remote. But it's compatible with the RCN box so it was a keeper.

1 comment:

reno said...

This information is very useful...many thanks to you