Monday, November 07, 2005

Hospital Coffee Shop Man

Dear Mr. Hospital Coffee Shop Man aka Barista*,

You're pretty stuck up. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. We rag on you and how you're such a stuck up prick. It seems to me that you've surrounded yourself by people you hate, hospital people mainly (i.e. doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc) because they're educated and I have to agree, think are God's gift. So you're stuck up back to the people you think are stuck up. Strange. If it weren't for my ear for the White Stripes, you'd never be nice to me. Turd.

Nurse SYC

P.S. sorry for shorting you and the hospital $.10.

*Barista - Pretentious sounding word used by dejected art history and drama majors that describes their employment in order to make themselves feel better about serving coffee.
-So what have you been up to since you graduated?
- I'm a barista at the Coffee Bean, but only until I get a sitcom.
Taken from

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