Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wicker Park Fest

Spent some at Wicker Park Fest today with the BF and my sister and Homey. Very different from the Wells Street Art Fest. At Wells Street, you get your typical drunk young people walking their dogs and pushing their $800 strollers. You will find the same at Wicker Park Fest except on the small dog leash you have an iguana. Her name was Percy. She climbed the trunk of a tree in the grounds of Wicker Park. It's not a chick magnet like a lab puppy! It got a lot of attention though. Too bad I didn't have an iPhone to capture the moment. But there was an emo guy who could have passed for a homeless dude who whip his iPhone out to snap a pic.

Oh yes, I did. I wikipediaed Wicker Park:

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