Monday, September 08, 2008


Experts blame obesity, with about two-thirds of all Americans overweight. With fatty liver disease becoming more common in adults, many experts predict it will become the top cause of liver transplants by 2020.

His patient, Irving Shaffino, a 15-year-old Mexican-American who lives outside Lubbock, Texas, was lucky to get a transplant a year ago. He was in end-stage cirrhosis and, at 5-feet-4½, weighed 180 pounds.

Irving had been fat since age 6, thanks to a high-starch, high-fat diet of Mexican food, pizza and burgers, said his mother, Guadalupe Shaffino. At age 8, she said, he had a distended stomach and by his early teens, breathing problems kept him tethered to an oxygen tank at home.

Why don't you be a parent and not COOK the fucking "high-starch, high-fat" food?!! I do feel sorry for the kid. It's the parent's fault. Even if it's a socio-economic thing, go do something active. Start that shit early.,0,6175660.story

Then there's this shit...the SCFE ("sciffy") which stands for Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. Basically, part of the hip joint slips out of the acetabululum/ hip socket. It's common with obese children. I've heard of peds ortho surgeons do bilateral SCFE repairs - 1 is to fix the SCFE and the other to prevent an inevitable SCFE. Fuck, lose weight. You don't have to go to the hospital.

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Oswald said...
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