Thursday, February 15, 2007


I talked to my sister today about bras. The price and the purpose. Last week, I went with a friend to Nordstroms to get "fitted" by a bra expert. Ok. So I tried on about 50 different bras in the room with a complete stranger. Weird. Didn't realize there was so many factors to consider...cups, and positioning, straps. Then she said that bras only last about a year. Um, I'm confident that they can last longer, ahem. Also, you should only wear the same bra no more than 2 days in a row and wash them after 3 wears. By default, we're supposed to be friends now. Wasn't going to happen so I dropped $52 on a bra instead. I knew I wasn't going to actually keep it. This is terrible but $52 is a lot for a bra. Today, I found the same brand and style on the jumbled bra rack (haha...pun intended) at Marshalls and I paid $30 for 2. FOR 2!.

The purpose of the bra is support. What is up with the 18 hour bra. My sister hypothesized that it just pops off after 18 hour( According to Wikipedia, sagging is called ptosis by plastic surgeons ( It's also the name for drooping eyelids.

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