Friday, April 27, 2007

Flannel Pajamas

I don't get sick often, however when I do, my body goes all out and I feel like total shit. Yesterday was the worst but I think I'm on my way to feeling better. I watched the latest Netflix delivery in the afternoon but I knew that I wasn't going to do much more than meet Kimchi for dinner and lay around for the rest of the evening. Sucks that the Blockbuster down the street shut down and the closest rental place is off Broadway. Anyway, I ended up with Kimchi at Hollywood Video and got 2 things 1)Flannel Pajamas and 2) Entourage Season 2

I do not, DO NOT recommend Flannel Pajama unless you want to be like "wha? HIPPA violation, wait what? you're in love, um you're peeing in the tub, uhh that's a lot of full frontal nudity!?#" I normally like raw, dialogue driven shit. And I do admit that there were maybe 2 instances in the movie when Nicole said something I've said before. But this wasn't good. The guy who played Stuart (Justin Kirk) is a really good actor, but I kept waiting for him to come out in drag like in Angels in America. Flannel Pajamas might have even gone direct to video. If I had a match, I'd set them on fire.

You can't go wrong with Entourage...even if you meant to get season 1 but picked up season 2.

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