Friday, January 27, 2006


I watched Syriana a few weeks ago in Wayne, PA. Liked it but I wanted more. And I'm getting more by reading a book called The Saudis: Inside the Desert Kingdom, by Sandra Mackey. Very interesting to read about Saudi Arabia, considered to be ground zero for Islam, from a woman's perspective, how oil and money changed life there (and how they tried to prevent modernization from affecting their way of life - Islam as not a religion but a lifestyle).

My mom has clients who live on the ARAMCO compound and work there as a nurse (wife) and an engineer (husband)....such a typical Filipino combination, sigh....Well, when they visit their house in Houston, they go crazy with the bacon, since pork isn't allowed in S.A.

I wonder if Kevin Bacon is not welcomed in S.A.?

Hey butterfly in the don't have to take my word on it.

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