Saturday, December 23, 2006


I missed out on my friend's 30th tonight b/c a few weeks ago, signed up to work extra hours that pay basically time-and-a-half aka "flex-up". Sucks that I missed the fun. What's worse is I didn't even get the hourly pay that I signed up for on account that I had to leave my flex-up shift on wednesday b/c I fainted and the bosses made me go home. (Apprently, there's a rule that if you don't complete the flex-up shift, you get penalized the next flex-up, therefore only getting the regular base pay). So I missed out on the fun and I didn't get the extra money. Fuckn A?!

On of my patient's dad asked me if I'm at school during the day. I blabbered something about working the day shift normally while I wondered what the hell he was really trying to find out. He already asked me about my ethnicity. I couldn't pull the "I'm from Texas" line b/c he flat out and name the Motherland. I think he thinks I'm waaaay young and should be tucked in bed already.

Well, that's what I am doing now. I thought about stopping by my latest hangout before going home, but I'm wiped out.

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